Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Raising Kyla

This is a picture I am very proud of - my daughter at this year's annual Me To We event in Toronto. If you haven't heard of Me To We, take a minute and google it. If you have kids, this is an excellent way to encourage them to grow into an awesome individuals.
I have to say, I was a little nervous about taking Kyla to this event. My sister's company was a sponsor for the event, which is how we were able to get to the event. The problem is, Kyla is a shy, quiet kid, and this is way over the top! There were tons of speakers, musicians, you name it, Me to We had it. It was one thing after the other, lots of time to jump out of your seat and dance and get excited about forming a global community with other like minded kids. In total - this was way over kyla's head and I knew it. The messages were directed at teens, and for the most part, Kyla sat there not understanding the language. But this is nothing new to Kyla. After being immersed in french immersion for a couple years now, she has learned to sit and watch and wait till she understands. She was swept away with the music in parts, was excited to get the t-shirt, and thrilled she could spend a day in Toronto with her aunt. That is what she understood at first. But, little by little, thanks to a very well developed program that Free the Children and Me to We lays out, we have been able to talk about all she heard that day at the ACC. We are taking small steps in our own home to challenge Kyla to make a difference globally. To be honest, I love the role I get as mom for Kyla. I love cuddling with her and talking about making a difference. I love pushing her to do things she never thought possible and the the smiles and hugs i get afterwards when she accomplishes the goal. I have no doubt this kid will accomplish great things when she is bigger, and I will be the one in the front row cheering her on.
(along with her aunt too! thanks for the tickets Laural!)

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