So it has occurred to me that school and all the demands of it has stripped me a bit of my energy. It has taken the winter to feel like I am back to being myself. Part of that is finding out who I am after school, and what direction I want to take with everything now. What exactly does it mean to be an art therapist - for me? I had a delightful morning last week sitting in a coffee shop with a dear friend, talking about art, and love, and life. One of those conversations you hate leaving. But, walking away, I realized that I have not created much since I left school. I think I need to. I am at my happiest when I am creating and drawing and sewing. But, often, I feel I am not good enough. So - the big question is who is critiquing me? Myself. Always. So, in an attempt to walk away from criticism, I have decided to just start creating. I speak about the value of creativity, and yet, I fail to work it into my own life. Enough with that! Seriously! So - I am using this little image of the bird breaking free, ready to sing a new song, and I am on a mission. I will be using this blog to post my creativity. It could be what inspires me, what I am working on, other artists that inspire me, I don't know yet. That, my friend, is part of the journey.
Clean Up Your Kitchen, Clean Up Your Life
1 week ago